When most people think about varicose veins, they think about dark veins running over a woman’s legs. However, it can happen to men too! It is also more than just a cosmetic problem. It can really affect a person.

For this reason, it is important to understand everything that you can about this disease. Here are some FAQs that you may have about varicose veins.

What causes people to get varicose veins?

Varicose veins happen because the valves in your veins are weakened or damaged. These valves help to keep blood flowing in the right direction. As the valves become weakened, the blood backs up and collects in one area, causing varicose veins.

People who are on their feet all day are more susceptible because this puts extra pressure on the veins in their legs, which can weaken the valves even more.

Do men get varicose veins? If so, how many are affected?

Though most people think of women when they think about varicose veins, an Edinburgh Vein Study that was done in 2003 found that almost forty percent of males have varicose veins. This is compared to thirty-two percent of women. That being said, there are studies that show that women suffer more than men. Either way, the truth is that men do suffer from this disease too.

How can you tell you have it?

Here are some symptoms of varicose veins that you should be looking for.

  • Dark veins in your legs.
  • Sore and inflamed veins. You may even notice that the surrounding skin is red.
  • Pain in your legs.
  • Swelling in your feet and ankles. You may notice this more when the weather is hot.
  • Venous ulcerations.

What are the effects of ignoring them and not getting treatment?

Though most people simply think of this as a cosmetic issue, the truth is that varicose veins can cause problems down the line. Not only are they painful, but they also can restrict the blood flow from your legs to your heart, which can affect your whole body. If left untreated, you may have pain, swelling, and even ulceration.

What is the treatment?

Many people can make a difference with their varicose veins by taking better care of themselves. This includes eating better, losing weight, and exercising. They may have to make some changes to their life, including finding ways to sit during a long day on their feet but it is worth it. They may also notice a difference if they stop wearing tight clothing and elevate their legs in the evening.

If those don’t help, your doctor may suggest wearing compression stockings. These work by squeezing your legs all day so that your veins and leg muscles are able to move the blood in your legs more efficiently.

However, if that doesn’t work, your doctor may suggest some other form of therapy. Sclerotherapy is performed when we inject your varicose veins with a solution that will scar and close these veins. After a few weeks have passed, they will fade and become unnoticeable. Many doctors like sclerotherapy because it is effective and can be done in the office without anesthesia. Laser treatments are another good option. When you laser the veins, you will notice that they start to fade. People like this treatment because no needles are used.

If you believe that you have varicose veins, you need to see a doctor as soon as you possibly can. Though you may just need to adjust your diet and exercise plan, you may also need to have treatment for them before your blood struggles to flow throughout your body, causing even more problems. Don’t hesitate to contact us today.