We couldn’t be happier to be here today to tell you about how some patients of ours have tried every skin tightening cream, lotion, and wrap on the market. We know a patient whom went from 252lbs to 100lbs due to gastroparesis. In one years time she had lost a large amount of weight, and she acquired a large amount of sagging skin. She struggled for years using creams that had negative side effects, like burning, itching, or even worse; the ones that make you bounce right back when you stop using them. Caffeine is an active ingredient to most skin tightening and firming products, which can be extremely dangerous to your health. These creams are especially dangerous to those who cover a large portion of skin, or who have other medical issues.
The patient began exercising and it just wasn’t doing anything for the skin sagging issues, so she decided to try one of those fancy wraps that everyone keeps posting online about. That was when she realized there was something scary happening. It turned out that she was already dehydrated before she began to use the wrap, so when she put the wrap on – it further dehydrated her. This caused her to faint, and realize she had to make a choice.
Plastic Surgery isn’t for everyone, but it is for her. She exercised for 5 years to remove skin that wouldn’t go anywhere. It caused her to become depressed and feel less confident.
Sometimes we all could use a shoulder to lean on, and for this patient, that shoulder was her doctor. When you feel like you need to talk to someone who can understand what your needs, they’re there for you. Schedule a consultation today and let’s see what we can do for you! We are here for you, just contact us today!