There is a certain misconception that breast augmentation is only a popular choice for trophy wives or models. While both certainly might look into it for a bigger bust and more confidence, in truth plastic surgeons more often see another sort of clientele when it comes to breast augmentation: mothers. Due to the aging stigma that used to be prevalent about plastic surgery — how it makes you somehow unpleasantly superficial to have your body look good — mothers who undergo breast augmentation don’t like to talk about it, but it is often needed after they have children.
The process of growing a child and nursing it really does a number on a mother’s breasts. Many mothers undergo what is referred to as breast ptosis after pregnancy, a term used by the medical community to refer to breast sagging. The more children you have and nurse, the worse that sagging is going to get. No amount of postpartum exercise or diet is going to reverse the process of sagging; it can make women feel incredibly uncomfortable in their own skin. Some mothers may accept it as just a reality they have to live with. But that’s not actually true since…
Breast Ptosis (Sagging) Can Easily be Fixed
For sagging breasts, the only fix is to undergo breast augmentation from a board certified plastic surgeon. Sometimes a simple breast lift is enough to stop the sagging; but a mother’s breasts might not fully retain the shape or volume they once had. This is because during pregnancy, most breasts increase in volume, and then decrease in volume once milk production has stopped. After this point, the skin in the breast area has lost much of its elasticity; while they might firm up slightly over time, they aren’t going to return to their pre-baby size or shape ever again without professional help.
However, mothers shouldn’t have to live with their post-child body forever, even though some think that is their only option. Breast augmentation doesn’t mean enlargement. For some women, it can mean getting the shape and size of their pre-baby breasts back without enlargement. Some mothers may choose to take the opportunity to get larger breasts, but many simply want the shape back. For some mothers, it can even mean reduction in size; as sagging has increased after multiple children, it can get to a point that their own breasts hurt their back. In some cases, women decide to have their breasts reduced because they were so weighty even before they gave birth. Big breasts are “the dream” for many women. However, overly large breasts can be a difficult thing to live with as well.
We Can Help!
Breast augmentation can mean any of the size increase, size reduction, or breast lift procedures to help get a mother back to the way her body was before. Having regained that body confidence and youthful vigor after having children shouldn’t have a stigma to it, but it should be treated like a reward. After all, having a child or two doesn’t mean that you, their mother, is all used up. There is still a long life to be lived and you should look good while doing it.
If you are a mother who laments what having children has done to your body, breasts, or otherwise, then perhaps it is time to make a change. Contact us today to see what Dr. Apesos can do to help you feel better in your own skin. Whether it is breast augmentation or the full mommy makeover procedure, you shouldn’t have to live with a post-baby body when plastic surgery can help you easily get back.