Many clients worry about looking “top-heavy” with breast augmentation. They want to know what size works best for them, without looking fake. Are there reliable and accurate tips for a choosing breast augmentation size?
The way to choose breast augmentation size is selecting those that look they way you always imaged yourself. It may sound overly simplistic, but it all does come down to self-image. Your decision will have long-term consequences. You want to avoid picking a size and style you will regret, and may result in a re-operation.
Every woman sees herself differently. What is too large for one person is too small for another. The first time you try gel implant sizers, you will get a good idea what you will actually look like. Your surgeon will guild you through the process, and technology allows us to create an understanding and helps shape your look.
Many women want to look natural and don’t want it to appear like they had breast augmentation surgery. Accurate measurements will create reasonable limits. During the sizing process, your feedback will assist the surgeon. The decision is yours, but the surgeon makes recommendations based on your input.
There are times a patient states a size is perfect. However, our experience will have us ask you to consider the next size up. When you see yourself, you find this one is even better. There is no pressure. The breast augmentation sizing process continues until you know what size is too big or too small.
If you would like to talk about how to choose the right breast augmentation size, or need more information, please contact us.