One of the most important things to have, when considering liposuction, are realistic expectations. Patients are often prepared that, after the procedure, there will be some pain, swelling, and bruising. However, the whole reason for having liposuction is the cosmetic effect. While the majority of patients report satisfaction with the outcome, it is possible that the things will not turn out the way you wanted or expected. This is why Dr. James Apesos takes the time to counsel his patients about the importance of reasonable expectations.
Granted, it is sometimes challenging to have reasonable expectations with some of the advertisements you have seen or after looking at pictures of those before and after liposuction. Regardless, one must understand that advertising is created with the intent of persuading you to purchase a product or service. Advertisements rarely provide useful and informative information. That is the prime reason Dr. Apesos keeps and maintains this blog, believing an informed client makes the best patient. Wouldn’t you agree?
In most instances, the results from liposuction are long-lasting if you maintain a healthy weight. Although, if you gain weight, this can change your fat distribution. So, while your new body shape is generally permanent, your figure can grow to a larger version. Nevertheless, while liposuction removes fat cells that will not grow back, time and aging can possibly cause changes in your shape. That said, the benefits of liposuction will forever be self-evident.
While if a patient gains weight after liposuction the results are less dramatic, the fat cells normally will not come back to the treated areas. But excessive weight gain can cause the remaining fat cells to grow and eventually reproduce. Therefore, it is possible for fat to return to a previously treated area, but proportionately less than untreated areas. For the best results, one should maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle after liposuction.
What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about what results you should expect from liposuction, or need more information, please contact us.